Love the concept
It's a whole lot of fun, and a pretty unique gameplay idea as far as I know. I especially like the "cash=health" mechanic which is not only an interesting hud, but also a clever satirical jab at the way certain billionaires might view their money. The game looks great, stylistically. The colors draw me in and the music really fits (classical music and chaos is always a good combo, ala Ren and Stimpy). The only thing is that later on the difficulty gets pretty ridiculous.
Frankly, it's a pretty lazy way to make the game more "challenging." Give the player three shockers to worry about, and then just cluster the screen with as many enemies as possible. Sure, if you just keep adding more objects to the game screen, it'll get harder. It'll also be obnoxious and a lot less playable. And this isn't a big thing, but the bosses don't have much to differentiate themselves from one another, besides asthetics and some extra attacks.
Overall though, this is still one of the best games I've played on Newgrounds. Fantastic work.